TinyPNG client for Mac
This is a client of TinyPNG for Mac, with which you can compress pngs without open browser and manually download images, all you need to do is just drag and drop.
Version 0.9 brings a lot of change.
Whole new design UI.New workflow and easy to use.Custom ouput path support.Sorted task list.Chinese support.
Regist a KEY using your email at link. You can also do this from Client since there is a button on the window. Paste your key to window. (You can edit it when you need to)Drag images to the window.
>>>>>>Link <<<<<<
Check "Anywhere" in Preferences -> Security & privacyif you can not open this app. Just for the first time, and I suggest you uncheck it after you open this app for security.
droptogif -- A very useful client for convert video to gif. I learnt how to create window from that project.
Developed by@kyleduo and available under the MITlicense.
标签: 可以下载的配音器苹果版